Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday June 13th "Treat him like a normal kid, just don't drop him on his head"

... those were our hematologists words as he smiled to us. I replied asking "would you recommend dropping a normal child on his head." He just smiled. Of course not, but what his message was to us is that Karsten is doing fantastic and he is not worried about him we should just exercise a little extra caution. The platelet count was up to 20,000 today. When we got the news, Julie and I just looked at each other and smiled with so much joy that there were not real words to be said. The Doctor explained the condition again, which is what we had been told by the Neonatal Doctor, and he said, it may take up to 6 weeks still to be back up to the 150,000 count (that is the minimum number that a normal healthy person has), but that he is not worried about him at this point. Now we are just waiting for the antibodies from Julie's system to die off in him. This was much needed news for us. What seemed it could take months has, seemed to come to pass quickly over the past week. Julie said today that a week ago she couldn't have imagined having this good news so soon. What we can say is that we are simply grateful for all the support, prayers, thoughts, medical knowledge, kind words and actions of all the caring people around us, both the ones we knew and the ones we met during this process. From the bottom of our hearts and from the depths of Karsten's little blood/platelet count we want to say Thank You! We have a follow up next Tuesday for another platelet check but for today it was just a great day of being a family with a lighter load to carry. We had a great day today and look forward to many more and hopefully a day soon that the Doctor says to us "150,000 platelets today, and remember to not drop him on his head."

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